
The Painfree Physio & Sports Rehab Team

Dr. B. Prabhakumari

Dr. B Prabhakumari


General Practitioner


Adarsh Sasidharan

Chief Physiotherapist

Sport Physiotherapist

MS Sport and Exercise(ENGLAND)


*Former National Football Team

*Kerala Cricket Assoiciation

Nanda Gopan


Neuro Physiotherapist

MPT (Hand Rehabilitation),


Teny James

Teny James

Sports Physiotherapist

Department in charge

Nalanchira Center

MPT (Musculoskeletal and sport

Adarsh Sasidharan


Physiotherapist with a decade of combined experience in India and Europe.


A former Indian national football sport physiotherapist who has represented  India various countries of Europe, Russia, North Asia Currently associated with Kerala Cricket.


Adarsh has been been also working with leading hospitals in India like Manipal hospital Bangalore, Fortis Hospital Bangalore.

Major area of expertise involves in manual therapy, Post traumatic physiotherapy in sport injuries, Orthopedic rehabilitation.


Successfully treated hundreds of patients and Rehabilitated many Indian and international sport players.


He is an expert in treating Musculoskeletal  skeletal a disorders associated with  lifestyle and work related body issues like chronic back, neck pains.

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